Saturday, December 13, 2008


Transpire = Trans (transition) + pire (pier = channel connecting platform to sea)
(transition from sea to platform via pier)

meaning - become known, to come up from hidden surfaces

connotation - positive

pic - Transpiration is the evaporation of water from the aerial parts of plants


Traduce = Tra (to) + duce (reduce)

meaning - to insult, defame, to reduce reputation

connotation - negative

synonyms - malign

pic - lady boss traducing young freshers (symbolic!)


Tipple = tip (topple after) + ple (nipple)

meaning - an alcoholic drink

pic - He toppled after drinking tipple from nipple

Friday, December 12, 2008


Tiff = Tiff (Tiffin pe argument)

meaning - slight argument

synonyms - bicker, bickering, fuss, pettifoggery, spat, squabble

pic - tiffs @ tiffin


Throng = Th (There) + r (are) + ong (long queues)

meaning - crowd

synonyms - concourse , multitude

pic - Throng consisting of Simpsons


Tessellate = Tessel (Vessel) + late (lay)

meaning - to fit together in a pattern with no spaces in between (like titles in kitchen)

pic - in this pic you can see vessels tessellate the kitchen rack.


Tether = Tet (tie) + her (her)

meaning - restraint consisting of a rope

connotation - noun

pic - horse is restrained from moving since it is tied with tether

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Trident = Tri (3) + dent (tooths)

meaning - a weapon used in the past consisting of a pole with 3 sharp metal points on the end

Hindi-help/pic - Shivji's Trishul is a Trident


Testy = Test (tests) + y (but y)

meaning- easily irritated or annoyed

connotation - negative

synonyms - cranky,

pic - students during exams often become testy

Monday, December 8, 2008


= Te (tea) + net (not)

One of the tenets of gurukul - Tea-not

meaning - one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based

connotation - positive

synonyms - dogma

pic- Dharma, Karma, Moksha are some the tenets of Hinduism


Sporadic = Spor (spores) + a (anti) + dic (periodic)

meaning - recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances

connotation - negative

synonyms -

antonym - anti-periodic

pic - spores/ cells grow sporadically

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Obdurate = Ob + durate (durable)
A durable thing resists and refuse to change inspite persasion

meaning - stubborn; refusing to change one's belief inspite persuasion and argument

connotation - neagtive

synonyms - flint, stubborn, cussed, obstinate, unrepentant

pic - "I am stubborn: gimme my job back"


Lethargic - Leth (less) + argic (energic)

meaning - deficient in alertness or activity

connotation - negative,

synonyms - unenergetic

pic - a tired athlete

Monday, December 1, 2008


Blowhard = Blow + hard

meaning - a very boastful and talkative person

pic - Sidhu is a blowhard

connotation - positive, habit

easy synonyms - boaster, braggart, bragger, line-shooter


Diffidence = Diffi (difference in) + dence (confidence)

meaning - not confident of your abilities

pic - first pic shows her diffidence and second one shows her confidence.

connotation - negative


Didactic = Did (did) + act (act) + tic (in a hurry)

meaning - intended to teach (moral way), especially in a way that is too determined or eager, and often fixed and unwilling to change

pic - In Taare Zameen Par, Aamir Khan played a role of a didactic teacher in developing learning skills of Eeshan (a dyslexic child)


Flaunt = Fl (fake) + aunt (aunt)

meaning - the act of displaying something ostentatiously, act of show off

connotation - negative, behaviour

synonyms - swank, ostentate, flash, show off

pic - komolika aunty (starring in kyuki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi) used to always show off